Keane cuīcatl
Inin tlahcuilōlli īnehuatia mochīntīn tlacuīcaliztli Keane cuīcatl. Auh nicpia Nāhuatlahtōlcuepaliztli ic Inglatlahtōlli.
- "A Bad Dream" (Cē ahcualcochiztli)
- "Atlantic" (Ātlāntico)
- "Bedshaped" (Cochpāntic)
- "Bend And Break" (Teomeliā auh tzomoni)
- "Call Me What You Like" (Tinēchtōcā iuh titlanequi)
- "Crystal Ball" (Tehuīlōtapayoltic)
- "Everybody’s Changing" (Mochīntīn mocuepa)
- "Is It Any Wonder?" (¿Cenqui tlamahuizoliztli?)
- "Nothing In My Way" (Ahtlein nohpan)
- "Somewhere Only We Know" (Canah zan tixmatih)
- "This Is The Last Time" (Inīn in xocoyoccēpan cah)
- "Try Again" (Niyuhcateyoliāz occeppa)
- "We Might As Well Be Strangers" (Tihuelītih chōntalih)
- "Wolf At The Door" (Nexcoyōtl in caltenticampa)
- "Allemande" (Teutocihuātl)
- "Closer Now" (Achi acha āxcān)
- "Fly To Me" (Mitzpatlani cananeh)
- "He Used To Be A Lovely Boy" (Yeh cē cualconētl catcah)
- "Let It Slide" (Īctlacahua melahua)
- "Maybe I Can Change" (Hueliz nihuelīti patla)
- "Rubbernecking" (Totolpaltini)
- "She Opens Her Eyes" (Yehhuātl īxaya)
- "Snowed Under" (Cepayahuitzintla)
- "Something In Me Was Dying" (Nipan miquihua catcah)
- "The Iron Sea: Magic Shop Version (In tepozhuēyātzintli: Magic Shop)
- "The Way You Want It" (Iuhquin tinequi)
- "Thin Air" (Ehēcacanahuac)
- "Untitled 2" (Ahtōcāitl ōme)
- "Walnut Tree" (Michpahtli)
- "Tyderian" (Tideriatl)
- "To The End Of The Earth" (Canahpa in Cemānāhuatlamiliztli)
- "Can’t Stop Now" (Ahmō nihuelīti cahua āxcān)
- "On A Day Like Today" (Tōnalpan iuhquin āxcān)
- "She Has No Time" (Ahmō piya cāhuitl)
- "Sunshine" (Tōnamēyo)
- "Untitled 1" (Ahtōcāitl cē)
- "Your Eyes Open" (Moxaya)
- "Broken Toy" (Tzomonimahuil)
- "Hamburg Song" (Hamburtlān cuīcatl)
- "Leaving So Soon? (¿Ticahua iciuhca?)
- "Put It Behind You" (Imana tehcampa)
- "The Frog Prince" (In cueyapīlli)
- "The Iron Sea" (In tepozhuēyātzintli)
Occēquintin cuīcatl
xikpatla- "A Heart To Hold You" (Cē yōllōtl ic mitznapaloa)
- "Emily"
- "Maps" (Āmatohtlin)
- "More Matey"
- "New One" (Yancuīc cuīcatl)
- "The Happy Soldier" (In paquini yāōquizqui)