Nemachiyōtīlli tēixnāmiquiliztli:PD

We can translate public domain 'Tlalli Cohuatequitl'. Tlalli means domain, land. Cohuatequitl means open to the public. --Mixcoatl 19:19, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

Feel free to translate the english text to Nahuatl or maybe Spanish - or both. The text is only meant to be a start.

Please try to find a translation that in Nahuatl really mean Public Domain:

regards, Glenn 19:32, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

I have search via google:

How about "calnehuiyantli" - from (french for public domain is domaine public):

regards, Glenn 19:50, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hello Glenn,

I've tried to translate the entire template: In Teihcuiloa Calnehuiyancan quixtiaya copyrightquimotechtianitica, in tecopyright zozolocaya, nozo inon ca ahmo netllaquitilli copyrightica. Inin cah nohuiyan.

litteraly translated it means: 'This picture is 'liberated' in the public domain by the copyright owner, its copyright has exired, or it is not fit for copyright. This is (true) everywhere.'

I speak only a little Nahuatl, I've translated most of it with help from the ifrance dictionary. I've decided not to translate copyright, because in some other non-English languages it isn't translated either. I think someone who speaks Nahuatl better than I (you perhaps?) should check it first before we put it the template.

Regards, --Mixcoatl 20:00, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

With the limited Nahuatl I can, it sounds fine.

regards, Glenn 20:04, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

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