Diferencia entre revisiones de «Keane cuīcatl»

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Pantli 1:
Inin tlahcuilōlli nehuatiaīnehuatia mochintinmochīntīn [[tlacuīcaliztli]] [[Keane]] [[cuīcatl]]. Auh nicpia Nāhuatlahtōlcuepaliztli ic [[Inglatlahtōlli]].
==[[Cēmani (cuīcayōtl)|Cēmani cuīcatl]]==
*"[[A Bad Dream]]" (Cē acochpantliahcualcochiztli)
*"[[Atlantic]]" (Atlantic)
*"[[Bedshaped]]" (Cohcpantic)
*"[[Bend And Break]]" (Teomelia auh tzomoni)
*"[[Call Me What You Like]]" (MitznitōcaMitznitōcā quemeh tehtlanequiictehtlanequi)
*"[[Crystal Ball]]" (Tehuilotl tapayolticTehuilotapayoltic)
*"[[Everybody’s Changing]]" (MochintinMochīntīn Mocuepamocuepa)
*"[[Is It Any Wonder?]]" (¿In ca cenquiCenqui tlamahuizoliztli?)
*"[[Nothing In My Way]]" (Atle īpan nohtli)
*"[[Somewhere Only We Know]]" (Canah zan tehuanixmatitehhuānixmati)
*"[[This Is The Last Time]]" (IninInīn in xocoyoc cēpan cah)
*"[[Try Again]]" (Niyuhcateyoliaz occēpa)
*"[[We Might As Well Be Strangers]]" (Tehuanhueliti ca chontalli catcah)
*"[[Wolf At The Door]]" (In nexcoyotlNexcoyotl caltenticampa)
==''[[A-side īhuān B-side|B-side]]''==
*"[[This Is The Last Time#Allemande|Allemande]]" (TeutōcihuatlTeutocihuatl)
*"[[Call Me What You Like#Closer Now|Closer Now]]" (Achi acha āxcān)
*"[[Everybody’s Changing#Fly To Me|Fly To Me]]" (Mitzpatlani cananeh)
*"[[Is It Any Wonder?#He Used To Be A Lovely Boy|He Used To Be A Lovely Boy]]" (YehcaxYeh cē cualli tlacatlcocone catcah)
*"[[Is It Any Wonder?#Let It Slide|Let It Slide]]" (Itlacahua melahua)
*"[[Crystal Ball#Maybe I Can Change|Maybe I Can Change]]" (Cox nihueliti patla)
*"[[Call Me What You Like#Rubbernecking|Rubbernecking]]" (Totolpaltini)
*"[[This Is The Last Time#She Opens Her Eyes|She Opens Her Eyes]]" (YehuatlYehhuātl ixayaīxaya)
*"[[Somewhere Only We Know#Snowed Under|Snowed Under]]" (Itlampan cepayahuitlCepayahuitzintla)
*"[[Bedshaped#Something In Me Was Dying|Something In Me Was Dying]]" (Achi nipan camiquixti miquixtixcatcah)
*"[[Everybody’s Changing#The Way You Want It|The Way You Want It]]" (Quemeh tehtlanequi)
*"[[Nothing In My Way#Thin Air|Thin Air]]" (Canahuac ehecātlEhecācanahuac)
*"[[Bedshaped#Untitled 2|Untitled 2]]" (Atōcāitl ōme)
*"[[Somewhere Only We Know#Walnut Tree|Walnut Tree]]" (Cacayactli)
*"[[Nothing In My Way#Tyderian|Tyderian]]" (TideriahTideriatl)
*"[[Everybody’s Changing#To The End Of The Earth]]" (CanapaCanahpa in Cēmānahuac tlamiliztliCēmānahuatlamiliztli)
==''[[Hopes And Fears]]''==
*"[[Hopes And Fears#Can’t Stop Now|Can’ Stop Now]]" (Nehahueliti cahua āxcān cahua)
*"[[On A Day Like Today]]" (Īpan cē tōnalli quemeh āxcān)
*"[[She Has No Time]]" (Yehuatl anicpiaYehahnicpia cahuitl)
*"[[Hopes And Fears#Sunshine|Sunshine]]" (Tōnamēyo)
*"[[Hopes And Fears#Untitled 1|Untitled 1]]" (Atōcāitl cē)
Pantli 44:
==''[[Under The Iron Sea]]''==
*"[[Under The Iron Sea#Broken Toy|Broken Toy]]" (Tzomoni mahuilliTzomonimahuil)
*"[[Under The Iron Sea#Hamburg Song|Hamburg Song]]" (Amburtlān cuīcatl)
*"[[Under The Iron Sea#Leaving So Soon?|Leaving So Soon?]] (¿Mitznitlacahua zan iciuhca?)
*"[[Under The Iron Sea#Put It Behind You|Put It Behind You]]" (Imana micampa)
*"[[The Frog Prince]]" (In cuēyatlpillicuēyapilli)
*"[[Under The Iron Sea#The Iron Sea|The Iron Sea]]" (In tepoztli ailhuicātltepozailhuicātl)
==Occēquintin cuīcatl==
*"[[Keane caquizcopinalōniliztli#A Heart To Hold You|A Heart To Hold You]]" (Cē yōllōtl nic mitznapaloa)
*"[[Keane caquizcopinalōniliztli#Emily|Emily]]"
*"[[Keane caquizcopinalōniliztli#Maps|Maps]]" (AmatohtlinĀmatohtlin)
*"[[Keane caquizcopinalōniliztli#More Matey|More Matey]]"
*"[[Keane caquizcopinalōniliztli#New One|New One]]" (Yancuīc cuīcatl)