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New page: **Acocohtli <!-- en: Acotote, name of several different squash plants --> **ahuacuahuitl <!-- en: oak log; oak tree --> **ahuacuauhtomatl <!-- en: acorn --> **ahuehuetl <!-...
pSin resumen de edición
Pantli 1:
'''Cuauhtontli''' ([[Caxtiltlahtōlli]]: ''Planta''; [[Inglatlahtōlli]]: ''Plant'')
**[[Acocohtli]] <!-- en: Acotote, name of several different squash plants -->
**[[ahuacuahuitl]] <!-- en: oak log; oak tree -->
**[[ahuacuauhtomatl]] <!-- en: acorn -->
**[[ahuehuetlAcocohtli]] <!-- en: cypressAcotote, treename of several different squash plants -->
**[[amacapoliAhuacuahuitl]] <!-- en: mulberryoak log; oak tree -->
**[[ayohtliAhuacuauhtomatl]] <!-- en: gourdacorn -->
**[[cacahuacuahuitlAhuehuetl]] <!-- en: cacaocypress tree -->
**[[HuauhtliAmacapoli]] <!-- Amaranthusen: mulberry -->
**[[huexotlAyohtli]] <!-- en: willowgourd -->
**[[ahuacuahuitlCacahuacuahuitl]] <!-- en: oak log; oakcacao tree -->
**[[omixochitlHuauhtli]] <!-- en: white amaryllisAmaranthus -->
**[[pochotlHuexotl]] <!-- en: silk cotton treewillow -->
**[[teocuahuitl]] <!-- en: oak tree -->
**[[Xīcama]], [[XīcamatlOmixochitl]] <!-- Jícamaen: white amaryllis -->
**[[Xitomātl]], [[XitomatlPochotl]] <!-- Tomatoen: silk cotton tree -->
**[[yolloxochitlTeocuahuitl]] <!-- en: magnoliaoak tree -->
**[[zacatontliXīcama]], [[zacatlXīcamatl]] <!-- en: grassJícama -->
**[[ZotolinXitomātl]], [[Xitomatl]] <!-- en: Palm TreeTomato -->
**[[ahuacuauhtomatlYolloxochitl]] <!-- en: acornmagnolia -->
*[[Zacatontli]], [[zacatl]] <!-- en: grass -->
**[[teocuahuitlZotolin]] <!-- en: oakPalm treeTree -->
*[[Yolimachiliztli]] <!-- Biology -->
*[[Ahuatl]] <!-- en: thorn -->
*[[Ahhuayoh]], [[ahhuayo]], [[huihuitzyo]] <!-- en: spiny, thorny -->
*[[Āhuacatl]], [[ahuacatl]] <!-- en: avocado -->
*[[Āhuatomatl]], [[ahuatomatl]] <!-- en: acorn -->
*[[Āhuatl]], [[ahuatl]] <!-- en: acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn -->
*[[Āhuazhuatl]], [[ahuazhuatl]] <!-- en: oak leaf -->
**[[Cuahuacazhuatl]] <!-- en: oak leaf -->
*[[Amatlapaloa]] <!-- en: it forms leaves -->
*[[Amatlapalpatlactotonti]] <!-- en: small, broad leaves -->
Línea 35 ⟶ 38:
*[[Cacahuatetl]] <!-- en: cacao bean -->
*[[Camohtli]] <!-- en: sweet potato -->
*[[Chīlli]], [[chilli]] <!-- en: chili, red pepper -->
*[[Cuauhchicahuac]] <!-- en: strong tree -->
*[[Cuauhnacayotl]] <!-- en: wood of the tree -->
Línea 41 ⟶ 44:
*[[Cuauhtepitztli]] <!-- en: hard tree; hard wood -->
*[[Cuauhtextli]] <!-- en: sawdust (da: savsmuld?) -->
*[[Cuāuhtlā]], [[cuauhtla]] <!-- en: forest -->
*[[Etl]] <!-- en: bean -->
*[[Tlīletl]], [[tliletl]], [[tlilletl]] <!-- en: black bean -->
*[[Tlīlxōchitl]], [[tlilxochitl]] <!-- en: vanilla -->
*[[Tōctli]], [[toctli]] <!-- en: young plant -->
*[[Tzītzicāztli]], [[tzitzicaztli]] <!-- en: nettle; thistle -->
*[[Xiuhnelhuatl]] <!-- en: herb root -->
*[[Xōchicualcuahuitl]], [[xochicualcuahuitl]] <!-- en: fruit tree -->
*[[Xocotl]], [[xochicuallo]] <!-- en: fruit -->
*[[Xōchitl]], [[xochitli]], [[xōchime]], [[xochime]] <!-- en: flowers, blossoms -->
*[[Xōnacatl]], [[xonacatl]] <!-- en: onion -->
*[[Zacatl]], [[zacatla]] <!-- en: grass land; grassland; grassy place; grassy plain -->